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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  Nico Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:00 pm

    Player Versus Player Role Play (PVP-RP) is an expirimental combat simulation engine developed for use with the RP Society 8.


    PVP-RP uses a location-specific damage system. The general categories are as follows:
    -Left Shoulder
    -Right Shoulder
    -Left Elbow
    -Right Elbow
    -Left Arm
    -Right Arm
    -Left Hand
    -Right Hand
    -Left Thigh
    -Right Thigh
    -Left Knee
    -Right Knee
    -Left Leg
    -Right Leg
    -Left Ankle
    -Right Ankle
    -Left Foot
    -Right Foot

    A regular human would have 100DP for all categories. Adjust these values as necessary. Armor can also be equipped, and would look like this:

    Head: 100/120 (Flesh/Metal)
    This would mean that the head has 100DP, and the head armor which is made of metal has 120DP.

    Armor can either be independent of each other, or ejected as a set. Armor types used should be defined in the [NOTES] block of the sheet.

    PVP-RP uses a 3-D grid for event staging. The following variables should be present:
    -MP: The amount of energy available for movement. Is fully replenished after each round.
    -MP Max: The maximum amount of MP available; usually only after all extra equipment is removed. The related command in the Command List will specify how much is gained after dropping the equipment.

    Terrain Rating: Defined as letters A-F, as well as Null (-). A gives +0.5MP/Tile, B gives 0.2, C removes 0.1, D removes 0.2, E removes 0.5, F is not traversible, and - has no effect.
    -Concrete: Standard urban material. high durability.
    -Earth: Soil, clay and other semi-loose terrain. Medium durability, and stops kinetic motion moderately.
    -Sand: Loose gravel is included in this. Low durability, but high kinetic arresting quality.
    -Void: Empty space. Can be moved through.
    -Water: Water stops energy weapons with a large burst of steam, and significantly reduces the effectiveness of ballistics. can be traveled through.
    -Swamp: Ankle deep, muddy ground. slows down most types of units.
    NOTE: Regardless of terrain rating, each tile requires 1MP to move off. Terrain ratings only modify the cost of moving off the tile.

    Some units can have special abilities like hovering, rendering all terrain ratings null.

    -Climb Cost: The amount of MP required to climb up one level. Does not necessarily need a wall.
    -Climb Max: The maximum amount of tile a unit can go up vertically.
    Some skills like wall-jumping and climbing spikes require walls to go beyond the Climb Max, while equipment like thrusters do not require walls.

    -Jump Cost: The amount of MP required to jump across a 1-tile gap.
    -Jump Max: The maximum amount of tiles a unit can jump across.

    This is where extra variables are defined that do not fit in either Vitality or Movement. There are some necessary ones, though:
    -Field of View (FOV): How far the unit can see, in a fan-pattern. Applies to forward vision only, and cannot see if FOV is blocked by a block taller than 0.5.
    -Blindspot: How far the unit can see to the left, right and rear.
    NOTE: FOV and Blindspot are used for counter-commands during the enemy turn. If the agressor is outside of either range, then the unit will not be able to counter-command. After an attack, the unit can choose to face the attacker or not.
    -Critical: This is where you define the critical hit areas. If the part is destroyed, then the condition described will come into effect.
    -Inventory: All useable items (including weapons) are to be listed here, along with the quantity.
    -Stamina: Can be used for almost any unit. It can act as blood for organics, energy for machines, and fuel for vehicles.

    Commands can be defined by 2 major categories:
    -Active: These commands must be activated during a unit's phase.
    -Passive: These commands are activated when certain conditions are met.

    Commands can be further defined by order:
    -Primary: The majority of commands. take up the entire phase to execute.
    -Secondary: A command that may be executed in addition to a primary (only one may be used), or on it's own (up to 3 may be used).
    -Tertiary: A command that has no limit on how many may be executed at the same time.
    NOTE: If a Secondary command is to be executed with a primary command, the Secondary must be executed first.

    Commands in the Command List must have the following parameters:
    -Name: The name of the command.
    -Type: The type of command. An example would be Active Primary or Passive Tertiary.
    -Range: The range of the command, in tiles. Other options are self, -, team and all.
    NOTE: Range cannot be counted diagonally (ex. a range of 1-1 is only to the N,E,S and W of the unit, a 1-2 makes the shape expand by 1 tile in every direction).
    -Cost: The cost to execute the command. Can use any variable in [MOVEMENT] and [STATUS], but not [VITALITY].
    -Condition: Any conditions that must be met in order to use the command.
    -Effect: The effect on the target(s) selected. Weapons normally reduce a value in the [VITALITY] block, but can also cause status ailments like EMP, Shock/Daze or Bleeding Out.
    -Accuracy: Determines whether the command is executed sucessfuly or not. Refer to the Die Chart below. Burst can be used to describe simultaneous hits, while combo can refer to sucessive hits.
    -Descripton: Describes the command and its effects. If the command causes a status ailment, the effect of it must be described here also.

    Available Rolls:
    d2: 2-sided coin.
    d4: 4-sided die.
    d6: 6-sided die.
    d8: 8-sided die.
    d10: 10-sided die.
    d12: 12-sided die.
    d20: 20-sided die.
    xdy: Roll x amount of y-sided dice.
    -: No accuracy (100%)

    Available Roll Modifiers:
    r=x: The number rolled is the number chosen.
    r>x: The number rolled is greater than x.
    r<x: The number rolled is less than x.
    r>x<y: The number rolled is between x and y inclusive.
    r=ODD: The number rolled is odd.
    r=EVEN: The number rolled is even.
    r=x,y...n: the number rolled is either x,y...or n.
    r/x: The number rolled out of x are sucessful; normally used for machineguns and shotguns.

    This is where extra variables and values are defined. Also, a brif history or description of the unit can also be added here.

    PVP-RP can be divided into turns (team 1 against team 2), moves (each unit's turn), and phases.
    Movement Phase: The first phase which you use to position your unit.
    Command Phase: Commands are executed in this phase.
    Escape Phase: If any MP is left over from the movement phase, it can be spent here, as well as choosing which direction to face.
    NOTE:All status afflictions and variable changes resulting from them are taken into account during the beginning of the turn.

    Sample Commands:
    Passive Secondary
    Range: Self
    Cost: Shield DP
    Condition: Unit is targeted; Shield must be intact, any overdraft will transfer to Left Arm; Attack is from within FOV or Blindspot
    Effect: Attack target directed to Left Arm, Shield absorbs damage
    Accuracy: -
    Description: Blocks attacks directed towards the front of the unit with a metal shield.

    Active Primary
    Range: 4-6
    Cost: 1 Rifle-Ammo
    Condition: Line of Fire cannot be blocked by anything higher than 0.5.
    Effect: -25DP, -5DP against non-pierce resistant targets
    Accuracy: d8r>6 (hit)
    Description: A bolt-action rifle, must be reloaded after every shot. Uses piercing ammunition.

    Active Primary
    Range: 2-4
    Cost: 1 Shotgun-Shell, -1Shotgun-Magazine
    Condition: Line of fire cannot be blocked by anything higher than 0.5.
    Effect: -4DP/hit, deals splash damage behind target in a v-shape (diagonal or linear depending on angle)
    Accuracy: d8r/8 (hit)
    Description: 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun. Fires rounds in a wide spread. Max. ammo cap 8 rounds. Also deals 1/2 damage to locations directly linked to the target. MP is also rounded DOWN to the nearest interger after the movement phase is over.

    Active Primary
    Range: 3-3
    Cost: -50 TRANS-AM, -75GN Particles
    Condition: TRANS-AM Active; GN Sword equipped and in sword mode
    Effect: -40DP to all locations
    Accuracy: d20r>1 (hit)
    Description: Multi-slashes the target all over.

    Sample Character:

    Foot Soldier

    -Head: 100/100 (Flesh/Metal)
    -Neck: 100/25 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Torso: 100/125 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Back: 75 (Kevlar)
    -Left Shoulder: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Shoulder: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Elbow: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Elbow: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Arm: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Arm: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Hand: 100/50 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Hand: 100/50 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Waist: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Thigh: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Thigh: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Knee: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Knee: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Leg: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Leg: 100/75 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Ankle: 100/15 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Ankle: 100/15 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Left Foot: 100/50 (Flesh/Kevlar)
    -Right Foot: 100/50 (Flesh/Kevlar)

    MP: 4
    MP Max: 4

    Terain Rating:
    Concrete: B
    Earth: B
    Sand: B
    Void: -
    Water: C can be traveled through.
    Swamp: D

    Climb Cost: 1/Block
    Climb Max: 1
    Jump Cost: 1/Block
    Jump Max: 1

    Blindspot: 2

    Open wounds (i.e. missing a body part): -10 Stamina/Turn (stacks with the amount of open wounds)
    Head, Neck, Torso: Instant Kill
    1 Hand: Unable to reload
    Both hands: Unable to fight
    One foot: MP-1
    Both feet, L/R legs/Knees/Thighs, Waist: MP-3 (inclusive of the MP deduction from one foot)

    M1911A1 Pistol x1, Stored on Right thigh
    Combat Knife x1, Stored on Left thigh
    M4A1 Assault Rifle x1, Slung on shoulder (EQUIPPED)
    Hand Grenade x2, Stored on waist
    Rations x3, Stored on back

    Stamina: 100/100 (+10/turn)
    M9: 12|3
    M4A1: 30|2

    Active Primary
    Range: 4-6
    Cost: 3 M4A1 rounds
    Condition: M4A1 Magazine not empty
    Effect: -8DP/Hit to targeted location; 2x bonus to unarmored targets (Flesh)
    Accuracy: d6r/3 (if r>3, 4=1, 5=2, 6=3; 3-round combo)
    Description: Standard assault rifle. Fires in 3-round bursts.

    Reload (M4A1)
    Active Primary
    Range: Self
    Cost: 1 M4A1 magazine
    Condition: M4A1 equipped
    Effect: Refills M4A1 rounds
    Accuracy: -
    Description: Reloads the M4A1. Any spare rounds in the previous magazine will be discarded.

    Active Primary
    Range: 2-4
    Cost: 6 M9 rounds
    Condition: M9 Magazine not empty
    Effect: -4DP/Hit to targeted location
    Accuracy: d6r/6 (6-round combo)
    Description: Standard Sidearm. Quick rate of fire.

    Reload (M1911A1)
    Active Primary
    Range: Self
    Cost: 1 M9 magazine
    Condition: M9 equipped
    Effect: Refills M9 rounds
    Accuracy: -
    Description: Reloads the M1911A1. Any spare rounds in the previous magazine will be discarded.

    Hand Grenade
    Active Secondary
    Range: 3-4
    Cost: 1 Hand grenade; 5 Stamina
    Condition: None
    Effect: -40DP to all locations; Splash damage of 20DP to all locations 1-2 tiles away from target; 1.5x multiplier against unarmored targets
    Accuracy: d12r>8 (1-hit)
    Description: Standard fragmentation grenade. Deals explosive damage.

    Combat Knife
    Active Secondary
    Range: 1-1
    Cost: 5 Stamina
    Condition: None
    Effect: -20DP to target; 2x bonus to flesh
    Accuracy: d12r>1 (1-hit)
    Description: Serrated combat knife.

    Kevlar: Bullet-resistant cloth used in soldier's combat gear. Reduces total damage from bullets (except piercing rounds) by 1DP
    Metal: Standard steel. Resists bullets and shrapnel.
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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  KingofHeroes Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:55 pm

    So...something like this, although I really think that 23 points of damage is overkill:

    Psychokinetic Nerd

    -Head: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Neck: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Torso: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Back: 75 (Barrier)
    -Left Shoulder: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Shoulder: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Elbow: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Elbow: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Arm: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Arm: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Hand: 150/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Hand: 150/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Waist: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Thigh: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Thigh: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Knee: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Knee: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Leg: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Leg: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Ankle: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Ankle: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Left Foot: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)
    -Right Foot: 50/75 (Flesh/Barrier)

    MP: 1
    MP Max: 2

    Terain Rating:
    Concrete: B
    Earth: B
    Sand: B
    Void: -
    Water: B
    Swamp: B

    Climb Cost: 1/Block
    Climb Max: 1
    Jump Cost: 1/Block
    Jump Max: 1

    Blindspot: 2

    Can't think! (Damage taken to Hand or Head): Paralysed for 1 turn, unrecoverable.
    Head, neck or torso: Death
    Either Hand: Unable to perform damaging commands
    Both hands: Unable to fight or move

    Wheely chair (Equipped) [Note]

    Stamina: 80/80 (+10/turn)

    Passive Primary
    Range: Self
    Cost: N/A
    Condition: Wheely chair must be equipped
    Effect: When jumping up, the character stays up.
    Accuracy: N/A
    Description: Psychokinetic control over the wheely chair allows flight capabilities. Can not perform a command on any characters below, can not descend on any characters below.

    Psycho Pushback
    Active Primary
    Range: 1-3
    Cost: 20 Stamina, 10 Barrier from each hand
    Condition: Hands must not be damaged in the past turn, both hands must be working.
    Effect: -10 DP, Pushes a selected unit back 3 spaces
    Accuracy: d4, r > 1
    Description: Converts the barrier force into an offensive push attack, increase DP dealt by 5 if the target hits a wall.

    Nerd Rage
    Active Primary
    Range: 1-4
    Cost: 50% Stamina, All Barrier points
    Condition: Legs must be broken, wheely chair is not equipped
    Effect: -20 DP within the range (AOE attack)
    Accuracy: -
    Description: The nerd fell off his wheely chair, feel his wrath.

    Barrier Regenerate
    Active Primary
    Range: Self
    Cost: 10 Stamina
    Condition: Head did not take damage last turn
    Effect: Recover 25 barrier points in a selected location, points can not exceed 75.
    Accuracy: -
    Description: Reorganizes thought, strengthening the barrier as a result.

    Active Secondary
    Range: 3-4
    Cost: 15 Stamina
    Condition: None
    Effect: Select a friendly or hostile unit and move the unit within the target-able range.
    Accuracy: d6=ODD
    Description: Uses massive thinking power to pick someone one and move them.

    Active Secondary
    Range: Self
    Cost: -
    Condition: None
    Effect: Stamina +60
    Accuracy: -
    Description: Can not perform an action for the next two turns, no stamina gain for the next two turns, barrier does not defend for two turns. Damm that nap was good.

    Barrier: Super Psychokinesis Barrier, defends against all physical and solid damage at the cost of 1 stamina per hit. Piercing damage is doubled to the barrier.
    Wheely Chair: Can not be equipped and is unequipped if the legs are broken
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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  Firaga777 Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:16 am

    You've got to be kidding me....shouldn't this be placed on a computer becaue of those massive amounts of variables?
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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  Nico Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:16 am

    If I had the time to write that up in VB or something, I'd do it, but I don't. Go figure.

    And to clarify: In almost all cases, passive commands are tertiary; if it were primary, then you would only be able to counter once during the waiting phase. And, is the barrier location-specific, or a bubble shield? If it is a bubble shield, something like "barrier is an armor set" should be present in the [NOTES] tab.

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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  MEKIseki Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:39 pm

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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  Nico Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:22 pm

    Extreme boredom dictates that if you want, I could whip up one for your characters; just make a post saying so, and I'll edit it to turn it into a character sheet for PVP-RP. Of course, the sheer wall of text probably turns most people off...
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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  desrow Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:57 pm

    And I though your RP was brain cell eradicating... but his is just...I can feel my brain hurting from trying to understand this...
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    PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine Empty Re: PVP-RP: Expirimental Turn-based combat engine

    Post  Accelerator Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:07 pm

    I can agree.
    Also, nuclear necrobump detected.

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